Dear Church Family,

Yesterday was a sweet day for me. Worship was rich; the meal together was delightful; and the unity of the Spirit and step of faith we took as a congregation at our business meeting made me feel privileged to serve as one of the shepherds of this flock. Be be in prayer for our Associate Pastor Search Committee and how you and your family will cheerfully and sacrificially give to meet our 2018 and 2019 budgets. All praise to our Beautiful Savior, Jesus Christ!

Would you be praying for these ministry opportunities coming down the pike?

Women’s Event this Wednesday November 7 @7PM – Mentoring Across Generations – Ever wish you knew how to ask someone about an issue that is worrying you? Want to have more meaningful conversations with the young people in your life? Relationships across generations can be difficult at times, but are incredibly important. Come join us for some good conversation about how to have more meaningful relationships with other women in our lives! 

Sunday morning Guest Preacher, November 25th – Chaplain Jay Larette – Pastor Matt has built a relationship with Jay through denominational Pathways Training. Jay is a Truck Stop Missionary/Chaplain in IL with Transport for Christ, supported primarily by E-Free Churches. He’s a powerful preacher and tells wild stories of an amazing God! He was even featured in a 1998 NY Times Article (

Praise and Pie – November 25 @6:30PM – Join us for some post-Thanksgiving worship and pie eating at our church facility. Invite a friend. Bring your leftover pie or feel free to bake another. It’s challenging to have too much pie 🙂

An article of note…please read this article and pray God grows us individually and corporately as people who share Christ to our lost and dying neighbors:

Until all have heard,

Pastor Matt

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