Thank you for your many sacrifices and gifts in 2018 (and already in 2019). I’m thankful for a church that gives their time, talent, and treasure for the sake of Christ’s mission on earth. (I’ve included some pictures of the work accomplished on our new classrooms) These are exciting times for our church; God is answering some of the prayers I’ve had since I came in 2010. But let us not be content; the LORD commands us to keep our mouths open and that He will fill them (Psalm 81:10). This means we should never settle. There are more of God’s blessings and goodness to pursue. Hunger and thirst for righteousness. Seek the Kingdom. To God be the glory!
Next up — 2 Questions and 2 Updates
First the questions…
1. Have you put our January worship and prayer nights on your schedule? Every Sunday in January, our church will gather @6:30PM to pray and worship. I’m asking our Church Members especially to prioritize these gatherings so we begin our new year, seeking God’s face together. (There will not be any nursery, but I hope our little ones are present to see Gods’ people pray; older kids are invited to join us in prayer.)
2. Would you like to join a small group in 2019? A small group is a collection of individuals/couples/families that commit to meet weekly for studying God’s Word together, praying, and sharing joys and concerns (and often food too). We have mixed groups that meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays nights, and one women’s Bible study on Thursday mornings at the church facility. Send me an email, give my phone a call, or talk to me on Sunday if I could help you plug into a group.
Now the updates:
1. We will have two missions partners with us this Sunday, January 6. Larry and Jill Couch have just begun a new work in Greece after a lengthy stint in Sarajevo. We’ll pray for them during the Sunday morning service, and then Larry and Jill will be teaching and sharing some more in adult Sunday School.
2. We have a team of 8 willing souls who will go serve Steven and Meg Collier and other missionaries with Send International in Ukraine this August. Please begin praying for our Ukraine Missions Team.