Cornerstone Friends,


Each year I claim a verse and pray it into my heart for the year. This year, Psalm 46:10 has captured my soul: “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.” 

Stillness is an attitude of security and peace amid storms and trials. Stillness shows itself in less anxiety and more prayer. Stillness overwhelms and covers a person like a polar vortex and a fresh layer of snow. Stillness is what I long for, stillness is what I need.

Christ purchased stillness for us on the Cross. Death, judgment, and hell were swarming over our souls, but Christ died in our place, taking our judgment, death, and hell, so we can be still before the God who now receives us completely and totally forgiven…the gift for anyone and everyone who believes. Hallelujah.

A look back and a look ahead…


First, I want to thank God for each of you who contributed dollars and hours to our Sunday School room project. It’s nearing completion, and this opens a door for another project this summer. On one hand, “it is just a building,” but on the other hand God saves and sanctifies people in real spaces in real history. May He do so here.


Looking ahead in 2019…

    Membership Class Coming: For those interested in becoming members of Cornerstone, we’ll hold a 4-8PM Membership Class Sunday night February 17 (supper provided; no childcare on site, but we will reimburse for babysitting expenses you incur.)

   Associate Pastor Search: The search team has worked through resumes, talked with some candidates over phone and coffee, conducted interviews, and  have moved on with getting references. Pray for wisdom and grace to permeate this process.


   Small Groups are launching. These weekly gatherings are for seeking God in His Word, and in prayer, with others. Each groups is unique. Let me know if you want to join one of the groups who has some space for new folks…

   Tuesdays @6PM in Marion (1025 Parkview Drive): Leader David Gardner (361.4303) – This groups has a bring-your-own supper together every week, followed by a Bible study based on the upcoming sermon text.
  Wednesdays @6:30PM in Cedar Rapids (4717 Savannah Ct SE): Leader Roy and Janel Leidahl  (826.3744) – This group eats a monthly meal together with an evening of prayer, and then uses the other 3 Wednesdays per month to have a Bible study based on the upcoming sermon text.
  Thursdays @6:30PM in Cedar Rapids (349 30th St SE): Leader Randy Pospisil (435.8160) – This group meets for a meal about once a month, and each week has a study based on the upcoming sermon text.
  Thursdays Women’s Study 9:30AM in Church Conference Room: Leaders Becky Bell (614.378.3728) and Lisa Weber (213.6450) –  Babysitting provided (Sonlife Discipleship Study)


   Most of these small groups study the sermon text in advance of our Sunday gathering. They go through the text, often using the questions I provide. I’m including the questions that relate to the February 10, 2019 sermon…


Biblical Text: Exodus 7:8-8:32


Read Exodus 7:8-7:24

   Summarize the two incidents.  How are they similar? How are they different? What do these encounters reveal about God? How did Pharaoh respond?


Read Exodus 8:1-32

   Summarize the three incidents. How are they similar? How are they different? What do these encounters reveal about God? How did Pharaoh respond?

How is Pharaoh’s response similar to how people respond to Jesus, or the Bible, or life situations today? 


Note that Pharaoh wasn’t responding to God’s judgments. What does it mean  for us or others when we reject the mercy and grace that comes from Jesus’ death on the Cross?


May God bless you as you meditate and respond to His Word.



-Pastor Matt

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