Dear Church Family,

Why is Cornerstone Church in existence? Why this church? What does “where faith and family grow” mean? For starters, the family is God’s family. And faith growth means to reflect more of Jesus’ character and priorities. 

Putting these ideas together, I believe Cornerstone prioritizes meaningful membership in fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). We emphasize the Biblical picture of a Christian community, and we take seriously Jesus’ charge to make disciples who obey everything Jesus taught. That’s us. That’s us before I came here, and I pray it’s us after I’m gone. To God be the glory.

Please, please, please join us for our Congregational Prayer gathering Sunday night May 12th from 6:30-7:30PM. God’s family prays together so if you are a part of this family, come pray.

Because Jesus resurrected and will come to judge,

Pastor Matt

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