Dear Church Family,
This day, I’m grieving and rejoicing. I grieve because Pastor John Seitz of Antioch Christian Church here in Marion died suddenly yesterday morning. John has pastored Antioch for many years before dying at only 51 years of age. Please be in prayer for John’s family and our brothers and sisters at Antioch. I grieve also because tomorrow, many of us, will attend the funeral of a young man who took his life a few weeks ago. Please continue to pray for the Thompson family.
In the midst of grief, I also rejoice. I’ve just returned from the National Conference of the Evangelical Free Church of America (our denomination). What a rich week to see how God is at work locally and globally through our interdependent gospel partnership. Our denomination grows; our missionary movement expands; our passion for evangelism and disicple-making intensifies. May God be glorifed. (As a little footnote to the week, our denomination did vote to remove “premillennial” from Article 9 of our Statement of Faith and changed the word to “glorious”. This means premillennialism is no longer the only accepted view of Jesus’ return, but our historic connection to premillennialism will shape the movement for many years to come.)
UPCOMING Events at Cornerstone:
Next Steps Class, this Sunday June 23 @11AM: A simple next step for those who have been around our church one week or a few months.
Membership Class, Sunday afternoon June 30, 4-8PM: This class is for any regular attender interested in joining our church family as a covenant member. Signup is at the Welcome Table (or shoot Pastor Gary email, A light supper will be provided, please let Pastor Gary know of any dietary restrictions or preliminary questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you there.
Baptism and Lord’s Supper Instruction Class, Sunday July 7 @11am. For those wanting to receive baptism or anyone who is wanting to better understand these two practices of the church.
Church Family Picnic and Pool Party, follows the Sunday service on July 14. Hosted by John and Lesia Stuelke (108 S. Hillcrest Cir in Center Point), hamburgers and hotdogs provided, bring a side and/or desserts to share. If the Lord wills, some may proclaim Christ through baptism.
Please pray for the Ukraine Team heading off July 31 to support our SEND International Missionaries—Jeff & Laura Olson, Colleen Gardner, Jonathan & Meegan Dyrland, Kim Pospisil, and Matt Proctor.
I look forward to our gathering on the Lord’s Day.
In Christ,Pastor Matt