This week our question is:
How and why did God create us? God created us male and female in his own image to glorify God.
Our memory verse is Genesis 1:27
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
J.C. Ryle said
The glory of God is the first thing the God’s children should desire…It is the purpose for which the world was created. It is the end for which the saints are called and converted. It is the chief thing we should seek, that “God in all things may be glorified (1 Pet 4:11)”.
This week, talk to your children about their purpose in life. Why are they here. The purpose of all creation is to glorify God. In what ways do you make that your goal in life? How can you share that goal with your family.
Glory has behind it the idea of light and weight. It is the display of the radiance of who God is. And it is recognizing the worth and weight of him. Our purpose in life is to display his radiance and tell of his worth. Tell your children this week how great God is and how much He is worth.