Pastor Matt

Dear Church Family,

I believe God was on the move two weeks ago during our Church Planting weekend with Todd Brooks. Hearts were stirring, a hunger for God was growing, and a passion to see churches in new places grew. Around that event and since, I have also personally felt more fear, anxiety, and feelings of being overwhelmed than in many years. Am I alone? Has the Enemy been at work in your life, marriage, and relationships? With God all things are possible, but where is God?  I believe, help my unbelief.

Our Enemy, Satan, seeks to kill and destroy all that is beautiful. He hates the unity of the Church; he despises evangelism and church-planting; he seeks to destroy disciple-making. He wants to latch his ideas into our minds and if possible, grasp at our souls as well. Jesus taught us, “These kind only come out by prayer.” O, that we’d be a praying people, and corporately a “house of prayer”; may our utter desperations go up to our heavenly Father so He might send heavenly reinforcements down to give us strength to endure.

We have several opportunities to pray as a body in the coming weeks; would you prioritize these gatherings for prayer?

Next Sunday March 8th from 5-6PM in Room 101.

During our Congregational Meeting next Sunday March 8th @11AM.

Every Sunday in Room 103 from 8:40-9:10AM.

Please be praying for one another in your small groups; please pray at home and among your families, and please set time aside each week to pray for the health and holiness of Cornerstone Church. Would you also be praying for me as I serve among the other elders? We need the LORD (me most of all).

May God be gracious to us,

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