Dear Church Family

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain. Mighty is the Lion reigning from heaven. Soon, the Lord Jesus will return.

Kids Live Stream Instruction (TONIGHT @6PM) – This is available on Facebook Live and will then be available to watch anytime afterwards on Facebook. Randy Pospisil’s videos have songs, pictures, and interactive opportunities. These are great live, and for home schooling during the day. Check them out online:

Video Encouragement – For this week’s video encouragements, I did two interviews. Chelsey McDill, Executive Director at Bridgehaven and Mayor Nick AbouAssaly of Marion. The interview with Chelsey is up (; Nick’s will be available Thursday or Friday. Check Facebook and our website’s “Recent News” page for all videos past and present.  

Church Family Encouragement and Prayer (Thursdays 6:30PM) – Reminder that we’ll have an online prayer gathering each week using GoToMeeting. This week you can read John 16:33 in advance to prepare for the discussion.

You’ll notice in this Sunday’s bulletin that we’re now providing a YouTube playlist for each Sunday’s upcoming songs. Use this link to learn new songs and prepare your heart for worship (updated each Wednesday). Remember to join Facebook Live early each week so you’re on board by our 9:30AM start.

Under grace,

Pastor Matt

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