Dear Church Family,
1. Here is the link to Pastor Matt’s encouragement for this week. It’s a conversation with Todd Brooks. We all remember him from his visit with us in early February. Take a look and listen:
2. We are excited to be sharing a new resource with you this Fall. You’ll be hearing a lot about it in the coming months inviting you to be a part of influencing others for Christ. It’s called Alpha.
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a place to explore the Christian faith with others. It is a low-pressure environment to discuss the big questions of life. Every Alpha session will have three key ingredients: Food, nothing builds relationships like sharing food together; Talk, every week there is a talk delivered usually by video exploring the basics of the Christian faith; Discussion, small groups where guests can share their thoughts and questions.
When is Alpha Happening?
Alpha will be meeting on Sunday evenings 5:30 – 7:30 starting September 13 and ending November 29.
How can I help with Alpha?
You can begin by praying for our volunteers, guests and conversations. You can let me know if you want to join our Leadership Team, Promo Team, be a Food Helper and/or a Prayer Warrior.
Who is Alpha for?
Alpha is for unchurched, de-churched, spiritually seeking, and spiritually lost people. Take a moment right now to think of three people in your sphere (relative, friend, coworker, neighbor, etc.). Be praying for them and ask God to give you an opportunity to ask them to come with you to Alpha.
Why Alpha?
Something as simple as sharing your faith with someone, and inviting them to come along to Alpha, can have a huge impact on their eternity. We are looking for God to do amazing things for His glory in this next season of ministry together.
Pursuing Christ,