Dear Cornerstone Family,
Blessings to you as we continue to walk through these very unusual days. We have been so encouraged to see how you are pursuing God and caring for one another in the midst of such great challenges. We trust you are in a good place; if there are some felt needs, let us know. We seek to be with you and help in any way we can.
We also wanted you to be aware of the recent proclamation by Nicolas AbouAssaly, Marion’s mayor, regarding face coverings (attached). The Mayor writes to “urge, strongly advise, and recommend” the use of face coverings in all public spaces (with a few listed exceptions). Our heart is to honor this request. Our practice will remain the same as before; we leave it up to you as to how you personally proceed. You will notice as you enter the building this Sunday a sign on the door calling attention to the Mayor’s recommendation.
Update (11/1/2020): Moving forward, we ask that our people wear a mask entering and exiting our foyer. *People with breathing problems, non-school age kids, and those who can’t remove the mask without assistance should not wear one.* We have a mask-only worship space set up in our foyer; our sanctuary worship space will remain mask-optional.
Please know that the Facebook live stream continues every Sunday and is available to you if you are unsure of attending in person.
May the world see Christ in us as we extend the same grace we have received to each other. We do this in the way we love one another as Jesus commanded us (John 13: 34-35).
Blessings to you all,
Pastor Gary for the Elders