Updating you on the coming week at Cornerstone Church.
First, we will have a normal church service with communion this Sunday, March 28. We’re going to hold off the restart of Sunday School until the first Sunday after Easter (April 11). We’ve seen no new cases of Covid in our church family over the past week. We will still be offering the three environments for the Worship Service: Worship Center Masks optional, Fellowship Hall Masks required, and Facebook Live.
Easter Week has several opportunities:
Linn County Prayer Breakfast is totally virtual this year. You can connect to it from anywhere you have access to the internet.Friday, April 2 from 7:30 am to 8:30 am on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/GoodFridayPrayerBreakfast/)
We will be joining Northbrook Baptist and Trinity Presbyterian for our Good Friday Service on Friday, April 2, 6:30 pm at Northbrook Baptist Church, 1700 Boyson RD NE. We will be honoring our host’s Covid policies of masks encouraged, but not required. Their worship space is quite large making it easier to social distance.
We are putting together a choir to share during our Easter Sunday service. If you would like to be a part of it, our first rehearsal is this Sunday, March 28, at 4:00 pm at Cornerstone; the second rehearsal is Wednesday, March 31, at 6:15 pm. Details and music will be provided at rehearsals.
Easter Sunday is always a special celebration. Worship Service is at 9:25 am in all three environments. No Sunday School will be held that Sunday. Attached is a video encouragement from Pastor Matt: https://youtu.be/W9RW2UQaCIY