Dear Church,
Do you know what makes a joke a “dad joke?” When the punchline is apparent. My kids often roll their eyes at my attempts at humor, but can you imagine what it was like to be a child in King Solomon’s home? I wonder if they ever had conversations like this:
Son: Hey dad, got any tips on my first date?
Solomon: “Yes son, beware the adulterous woman, her lips drip honey” (Proverbs 5:3).
Son: But dad, yesterday you said, “Eat honey, my son, for it is good” (Proverbs 24:13a).
Solomon: That’s not what I meant. But speaking of honey, “It is not good to eat too much honey, nor is it honorable to search out matters that are too deep.” (Proverbs 25:27)
Son: So Dad, are you saying I’m not supposed to try and figure out what you’re saying? What about what you said last week, “One who is full loathes honey from the comb, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet.” (Proverbs 27:7)
Solomon: Son, you’re testing my patience.
(Solomon’s wife walks in)
Solomon: Good morning, Honey.
This is just a teaser for our upcoming sermon series in the Proverbs (starting June 13). I encourage you this summer to read a chapter of Proverbs based on the day of the month (it’s June 3rd, so open your Bible right now and read Proverbs chapter 3).
Other Church News:
Another Communion Change: Starting this Sunday, we’ll line up in the rear of the sanctuary to collect the elements during the Lord’s Supper. We’ll have two stations in the back where you will line up to pick up two stacked cups (bread on bottom, juice on top). We’ll then return to our seat and wait for one another before taking the bread and juice together. The person leading communion will provide similar directions this Sunday. We’re shooting for July to return to how we took communion pre-pandemic…thank you for your patience!!
Soles for Souls: There’s still time to buy a pair of shoes for a Marion Independent School District student or donate money toward this opportunity. (It is requested that the value of the tennis shoes (prior to sale prices) be at least $25 for kids and at least $35 for adult sizes. Requested shoe sizes are Girls 9K-5Y, Boys 10K-6Y, Womens 6-10.5, and Mens 7-10)
A pastor encouragement video for 6/3/2021:
A Summer Opportunity for Connection: Remember that after every Sunday gathering, you can join your church family at a local park for a picnic. All of June we will head to Willow Park (990 2nd Street in Marion) after Sunday School at ~12:30PM. Pack a lunch, bring a lawn chair, come to share.
God loves you with an everlasting love.
And I love you too,
-Pastor Matt