Kids SS: Q4 – What else did God create?
Q4: What else did God create? God created all things, and all his creation was very good. Our memory verse is Genesis 1:31 “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” John Calvin: “God has given us, throughout the whole frame-work of this world, clear evidences of his eternal […]
Kids SS – Q4: How and why did God create us?
This week our question is: How and why did God create us? God created us male and female in his own image to glorify God. Our memory verse is Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. J.C. Ryle […]
Kids SS – Q2: What is God?
Question 2:What is God? God is the creator of everyone and everything. The memory verse is Psalm 86:8-10, 15 8 Among the gods there is none like you, Lord; no deeds can compare with yours.9 All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory […]
Kids SS: Jesus Will Return
BIBLE PASSAGE: Revelation 21–22MAIN POINT: Jesus will return, destroy evil, and make all things new.KEY PASSAGE: Revelation 21:5BIG PICTURE QUESTION: What will happen when Jesus returns? Jesus willdestroy all evil and make all things new. Peter’s story of faith began when Jesus said, “Follow Me.” (Matt. 4:18) Peter and his brother Andrew—two fishermen from Galilee—left […]
Kids SS: Jesus on the Throne
BIBLE PASSAGE: Revelation 4:2–5:14MAIN POINT: All people and all creatures in heaven and on earth willworship Jesus.KEY PASSAGE: Revelation 21:5BIG PICTURE QUESTION: What will happen when Jesus returns? Jesus willdestroy all evil and make all things new. John was on the island of Patmos when he had a vision. Jesus appeared to John and showed […]
Kids SS: God’s Warning to Seven Churches
BIBLE PASSAGE: Revelation 2–3MAIN POINT: Jesus told the seven churches to stand strong in the faith.KEY PASSAGE: Revelation 21:5BIG PICTURE QUESTION: What will happen when Jesus returns? Jesus willdestroy all evil and make all things new. The Book of Revelation opens with John’s description of a vision. In the vision, Jesus gave John messages for […]
Kids SS: John’s Vision of Jesus
BIBLE PASSAGE: Revelation 1:9-20 MAIN POINT: Jesus appeared to John in a vision to tell about the end of time. KEY PASSAGE: Revelation 21:5 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: What will happen when Jesus returns? Jesus will destroy all evil and make all things new During this unit, we will be looking at God’s message about what […]
Kids SS – Paul Made Much of Jesus
BIBLE PASSAGE: Philemon 8-22 MAIN POINT: Paul told Philemon to forgive his servant as a Christian brother. KEY PASSAGE: 2 Timothy 3:16-17 BIG PICTURE QUESTION: How do we live while waiting for Jesus to return? We remember God’s truth, grow in godliness, and spread the gospel. Paul wrote his letter to the church at Colossae […]
Kids SS – Paul’s Joy in Prison
BIBLE PASSAGE: Philippians 1:12-30MAIN POINT: While he was in prison, Paul told the Philippian church to be joyful.KEY PASSAGE: Philippians 1:20-21BIG PICTURE QUESTION: When should we tell others about Jesus? We should always tell others about Jesus even when it is difficult Paul wrote his letter to the Philippian believers when he was a prisoner […]
Kids SS – The Shipwreck
BIBLE PASSAGE: Acts 27:13-44; 28:11-16MAIN POINT: God protected Paul in the shipwreck so he could stand before Caesar.KEY PASSAGE: Philippians 1:20-21BIG PICTURE QUESTION: When should we tell others about Jesus? We should always tell others about Jesus even when it is difficult. Paul was in Roman custody because the Jews said things about Paul that […]