Three Cornerstone Announcements:
1) Supporting Ukraine: Praise the LORD, all but $500 have come in for our 7-member team. A few final ways you can cupport the Ukraine Missions Team are…
A – Please come to the monthly Congregational Prayer and Praise meeting tonight @6:30PM at the church. We’ll pray over our team.
B – You can still place a support check in the Offering Box or give online (Memo-Ukraine):
C – You can lift up the team by name from now through our return August 10: Jonathan and Meegan Dyrland, Jeff and Laura Olson, Kim Pospisil, Colleen Garnder, & Matt Proctor.
2) Safe Families for Children: Today, Brett Erickson, director of Safe Familes for Children will join our Worship Service and part of Adult Sunday School to share about this ministry to children, moms, and dads in need. He’ll have a table in the foyer before and after our service. There are many ways to come alongside Safe Families and live out “pure and undefiled religion that cares for orphans and widows in the distress” (James 1:27). More info here:
3) Sunday School for the next few weeks: Today July 21 – Adults and Kids studying Hebrews 11-12 July 28 – Kids learning about Ministry in Ukraine and Adults/Teens having an open “Q&A/Ask Anything You Desire with Pastor Matt.” August 4 – Kids and Adults separately praying for the Ukraine Team.