Where faith and family grow.

Pursue Jesus together in a multi-generational church.

Treasuring Christ's Family

Exalting Christ's Word

Engaging Christ's Mission

a pastor stands on the stage of the sanctuary while smiling at the congregation
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Cornerstone welcomes you where you are and invites you to a next step with Jesus Christ.

Worship and Teaching Service begins on Sundays at 9:25 AM. Dress however you’d like (jeans, ties, and flip flops are all welcome). As you feel comfortable, please join us in the singing and reading of Scripture. We have childcare the entire service for 0-3 year old children, and 4 year-olds through kindergarten head to Children’s Church partway into the service. A livestream will also be available on YouTube.

Biblical Instruction (AKA ‘Sunday School’) begins at 11:00 AM. We have classes for Preschool kids through adults and childcare for 0-3 year-olds.

Cornerstone Church meets at 925 Blairs Ferry Road in Marion, Iowa. Click here for driving directions. (We’re one block west of Thomas Park, right next to Metro Transmission, and across the street from Q-Dogs BBQ. Take the Lyons Lane frontage road to the north to enter via our main entrance off Blairs Ferry Road.)

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Cornerstone Calendar

Know God and be known by others.

Even if you are grappling with uncertainty in your beliefs.

Even if you're facing struggles and despair.

Even if feelings of being overwhelmed persist.

Even if you've had negative experiences in the past.

What you need to know...today!

Discover the God you can know and a place to belong.

Sunday Worship begins at 9:25 AM in-person and online

Dress however you’d like. Jeans, ties, and flip flops are all welcome. As you feel comfortable, please join us in the singing and reading of Scripture.

Our Sunday worship service is the focal point and highlight of the week. We meet Sunday mornings at 9:25 a.m to adore the God of the Gospel through the Word preached, the receiving of the LORD’s supper (weekly), and with offerings of prayers, praise, and financial gifts. Join us as we intentionally humble ourselves before God, acknowledging His greatness.

Nursery is provided for the entire service for children 3 years of age and younger, and children’s church is available for children 4 years through-kindergarten (children’s church kids start in the corporate worship service and are dismissed about half-way into the service).

Though we broadcast a YouTubeLive service each Sunday, we strongly believe the best place to grow as a Christian and to learn about Christianity is to be present and active in a local church family each Sunday; the online service is to minister to those with current health concerns for themselves and loved ones.

Biblical Instruction (A.K.A. Sunday School) for all ages begins at 11:00 AM. Parents are welcome to join their kids classes in order to get to know the teachers and see how we instruct little ones about Jesus.


Learn about Cornerstone Church’s beliefs about Jesus, the Church, theology and more can be found here.

Attending Cornerstone Church is a unique and wonderful experience. Our smaller community of around 100-150 attendees on Sunday creates an intimate, family-like atmosphere. We welcome all generations and mean it when we say we’re multi-generational. Our church members genuinely care for each other and strive to make everyone feel included. We’re conveniently located just down Blairs Ferry from Thomas Park in Marion, with a relaxed atmosphere that makes you feel at home.

New to Cornerstone? Everything to help you get ready for your first visit is right here.

When you walk through the doors of Cornerstone, you can expect to find a body of believers gathered for the purpose of making a heart connection with the Lord. Though we meet in a warehouse, we desire to continue with historic Christianity’s purpose for the gathered church:

1) To hear God’s most holy Word.

2) To set forth His most worthy praise.

You will discover that everything from the preaching, to our giving of tithes and offerings, to the music is an act of worship. You will be challenged through verse by verse Bible teaching for your everyday life. You will hear songs that reflect a blend of the rich tradition of the hymns and heartfelt praises of contemporary worship songs. Typically, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together on the third Sunday of each month.

Other frequently asked questions:

What will my kids do?
We have child care for the entire service for infants through 3 years of age. We love having older kids join us in the sanctuary for singing and the first half of the service. Then, we have a children’s church for kids 4 years of age through kindergarten, but if you desire older kids to attend children’s church so you can focus on the sermon, feel free to send them too. At 11AM, we have classes for all ages of kids and adults.

When should I be there?
The Morning Worship service starts at 9:25 am Sunday mornings. It’s wise to arrive 5-10 minutes before start times to grab a cup of coffee and find your way to our sanctuary.

What should I wear?
Come as you are and you’ll fit right in. Dress generally ranges from t-shirts and jeans to jackets and ties; it’s up to you.

Which musical style is reflected in the service?
We have a band on stage that leads the congregation in singing a creative blend of classic hymns and contemporary worship.

How do we get there?
Cornerstone meets at 925 Blairs Ferry Road. We are located next to Metro Transmission and across the street from Q-Dogs BBQ. Take the Lyons Lane frontage road to gain access to our parking lot. 

Click HERE for our online Church Calendar.

At Cornerstone, we believe giving is an act of worship, honoring God. Every contribution, regardless of amount, makes a difference in lives and furthers God’s work. We understand unique financial situations and encourage joyful giving. Your support is appreciated.

Our church also takes a monthly benevolence offering to help assist people and organizations with financial needs. If you have a financial need, please reach out to a Pastor or Deacon. 

For those looking for it, our online giving area can be found here.

We are passionate about helping others find community and a place in Christ’s family.


Faith in Jesus


Desire to Grow

A Place to Belong

Lasting Relationships

Love for God

Love for God's Word

Ready to find respect & a place at church?

Learn, grow and thrive with us!

a young girl looks at the camera while sitting in a church pew chair. her grandma is sitting next to her.
Find True Life
Get a Peace that Passes Understanding
Live a Life to Honor God

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You will be valued, welcomed, seen, heard, challenged, and equipped.

We provide a place where you can know God and be known by others.

“…so we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.” -1 Thessalonians 2:8

Life is challenging.

We're here to help.

Cornerstone Church cares deeply about strong theological training, community involvement and building leaders.

Come seek the God
you can know with us.

Feeling unsettled?

We best serve people who feel like they are a “work in progress.”  Whatever your experience has been with faith or church, these are the people we welcome at Cornerstone. It’s rather appropriate that our church building is in a warehouse in an industrial area of Marion. God is building and refining his people. The people of Cornerstone Church are right there with the newcomers asking questions, overcoming struggles, working through past pain, and learning how to live like followers of Jesus.

Regardless of your previous church experience, age, beliefs, past pain, or present struggle, Cornerstone is a place that welcomes you right where you are.

Cornerstone Church seeks to make Christ known without succumbing to the temptation of showmanship or manipulation to accomplish goals; neither is there an attempt to promote events or programs to draw people. Instead of growing numbers, Cornerstone seeks to reach out by planting new churches, multiplying via local churches rather than building a large central church.

As a body of believers, we are passionate about helping others find community and a place in Christ’s family. We believe the same thing the Apostle Paul did when he told the church in Thessalonica, “…we cared for you. Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well,” (1 Thessalonians 2:8). 

Cornerstone Church was founded in 2000 and is a member of the EFCA (Evangelical Free Church of America). Cornerstone Church cares deeply about Biblical and theological teaching, neighbor love, church membership, and making disciples. 

Here’s how to get connected:

  1. Get to Know Cornerstone 
  2. Start Authentic Relationships
  3. Engage in Christ’s Mission 


Sunday mornings are the perfect place to start. Sunday mornings are all about getting to know God together. So, plan your first visit! In the meantime, check out a sermon or watch a previous service.

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Cornerstone’s main worship gathering is each Sunday at 9:25AM.

Though we broadcast a Facebook Live service each Sunday, we strongly believe the best place to grow as a Christian and to learn about Christianity is to be present and active in a local church family each Sunday; the online service is to minister to those with current health concerns for themselves and loved ones. (https://www.facebook.com/pg/cornerstoneefca/videos).


Worship and Teaching Service Sundays at 9:25 AM. Dress however you’d like. Jeans, ties, and flip flops are all welcome. As you feel comfortable, please join us in the singing and reading of Scripture.

Biblical Instruction (A.K.A. Sunday School) for all ages begins at 11:00 AM. Parents are welcome to join their kids classes in order to get to know the teachers and see how we instruct little ones about Jesus.

Cornerstone Church meets at 925 Blairs Ferry Road in Marion, Iowa. Click here for driving directions. (We’re one block west of Thomas Park, right next to Metro Transmission, and across the street from Q-Dogs BBQ. Take the Lyons Lane frontage road to the north to enter via our main entrance off Blairs Ferry Road.)

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