Church family,
Theological Meditation: A 5 year old boy and his father hike together in the woods. Sometimes dad lifts the boy over fallen logs. Sometimes the boy wanders off the trail, and then dad has to call him back. On one occasion, the dad picks his boy up and squeezes him and declares, “I love you son.” Question: at what point does the son know that this man with him in the woods is his father? The most obvious answer is “the whole time.” And yet, in the boy’s heart of hearts there may be certain moments when he feels the truth of his daddy’s fatherness more than others. Maybe it was the time he was lost and off trail, then hearing his dad’s voice, there was a fresh awareness of his dad’s fatherness. Or maybe it was the strong arms that lifted him over the log. Or maybe it was the gentle squeeze and the words of affirmation.
Friends, for those who have trusted in Jesus Christ, you can know for certain that the Heavenly Father is your Father “the whole time.” Always! In trusting God’s promises held out in Scripture, we take hold of Jesus Christ. The Apostle John tells us (1 John 5:13), “I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life.” Still, in God’s mercy, there are sweet moments of felt assurance. Sometimes it’s after a season of sin and a response to Father’s call of repentance. Sometimes it’s the Spirit crying with our spirit, “Abba, Father.” Other times, it’s in the reading of God’s Word, when we read truths such as, “I have loved you with an everlasting love.” The feelings of God’s Fatherly love are not our assurance (Christ is), but they are sweet gifts along the way. Oh, that we would believe in Jesus, oh that God would give us reminders of His grace.
(Pray that God might give us all a powerful encounter this Sunday!! Speaking of this Sunday…)
Upcoming Events:
We have our Chili Supper this Sunday 3/5 at 12PM. If you want to sign up to bring something, check out this link (or just bring anything you think could bless the gathering):
Photographer around this Sunday 3/5 – We’re in the process of updating our website and adding new photos. We will never use a photo of you (or your kids) without your permission. Also, if you just don’t want your photo taken at all, tell the photographer to avoid you, and she’s happy to oblige. She’ll try to be discreet, but we apologize in advance for any distraction.
Consider giving to our church’s summer Germany Mission Trip. We hope to raise all $7300 by the end of March. Give online here:
Under grace,
Pastor Matt