Pastor Post

Good Problems (8/24/2023)

Cornerstone Family,

First off, I want to thank the saint who gave me this new T-shirt. I agree with every word…


Second, we have church problems.  We’re running out of parking spots (only 3 out front this past Sunday). We’re running out of seats. We’re running out of rooms (a Sunday School class in nearly every room this year). These are good problems and not insurmountable ones. 

Can you help?

#1: Would you arrive earlier and take a farther parking spot? We have about 30 spaces behind our building. You access that area by driving through the cones on the northeast side of the parking lot, turn left, and drive out back. So too, we can park about 15 cars in the RIM parking lot (the building northeast of us). Your longer walk will serve others.

#2: Would you scoot up and in? Would you please sit up a row (or 5) and scoot into the middle of the row? If everyone moves up one row, and leaves seats by the aisle, those who come a bit later will be able to find a seat quickly. Families with kids and people serving on the worship team also need aisle seats. Save those last rows especially for late comers.

#3: Would you prioritize prayer? The true health of a church is marked by its prayer meetings. Numbers can lie. Just because people show up, doesn’t mean life-change is happening. So, we need to ask God to change lives (starting with ourselves). We have 3 regular prayer gatherings. We pray every Sunday from 8:40-9:10AM in Room 103. We now have a Wednesday Noon Prayer every Wednesday from ~12:10PM-12:45PM in Room 101. We will also have another all-church prayer and worship meeting on October 18th at 7PM.

Thanks family; I look forward to our meal together after church on Sunday.

So too, I’m attaching at the bottom a list of our Fall 2023 Ministries. Feel free to reach out to the group leader or if you need help finding a group or don’t have contact info, Pastor Gary would love to serve you (, 319.447.1688.


Much love in Christ,


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