Prayer Service and Shared Meal Next Week


Dear Church Family,

We’re very excited for our time of prayer as a church family on Wednesday October 18th. Unless your small group leader has stated otherwise, please plan to join us for this midweek meeting instead of an evening small group next week. Midweek morning meetings will still meet. Remember there’s a meal at 6PM, and then come ready to join our “unplanned worship and prayer service.” 

What in the world is “an unplanned service?” or maybe you wonder “How do I prepare for an unplanned service?”

  1. First, understand that this gathering was planned intentionally to have “no plan.” This does not mean it was not prepared for by its organizers. In fact, we have even done 2 dry (smaller) runs to cast our vision. 
  2. We also want you to come prepared. Consider what God has been teaching you and be willing to share a verse or a word that captures that.
  3. Ask yourself in advance: Is God placing someone on your heart to pray for? Are there prayers of praise ringing in your mind? Would you be willing to pray upfront and prepare to obey God’s urgings? How would you like the church to pause and pray for our city, our church, those who don’t know Christ, etc.?
  4. Our music team for the night will be made up of two members who are prepared to play/sing anything in the Cornerstone library. This consists of all the songs we sing on our Sunday mornings in our repertoire. You may request any of these songs, so be mindful ahead of time. What song do you believe would help you and our church worship and petition God together?
  5. Please come prepared to extend grace to the (1) The music and tech that might not flow perfectly; (2) To your brothers and sisters as we use our gifts to serve each other; (3) to yourself so you don’t get so preoccupied with having to say or pray just right.

We are excited to see how the Spirit will lead!

–        Sarah Messer (worship planning team)

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