Cornerstone Christmas Party (11/17/2023)
Hello Cornerstone Family!
This year’s goal is to “Invite People to Great Things.” Three of the great things we want to offer invitations to are our tables, our church, and to Christ. On December 10th, you can invite a friend, family, coworker, or neighbor to an event that offers all three of these.
The event will go from 5-7PM. We will eat fried chicken from Sally’s around tables. There will be some simple table games, activities for kids, and a bit of Christmas carol singing. It’s a great opportunity to introduce people to Christ and our church all in a fun and friendly atmosphere. Who could you invite today? Printed invitations will be on hand for the next several Sundays.
We are asking Cornerstone attenders to bring a dessert to share-Christmas cookies or the like!
Here is a QR code you can have people scan if you don’t have the printed invitation.