Dear Church Family,

A few words of thanks:
    – A big thank you to Pastor Gary and all the key players who served us on Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday services. Pastor Gary offered a labor of love to our church and the others present at Good Friday. He’s an amazing servant of Christ and this church. If you haven’t given him a high-5 lately and said “thanks brother,” please do so. What a sacrificial servant!
    – Thank you Cornerstone members and friends for your continued financial sacrifices to our body. We’re getting closer to paying off our mortgage ($54K). We’re only a bit behind on giving vs. expenses 3 months in ($4K). And we continue to not just invest in our church, but also in global missions and Risen Hope Church. Paul instructed the 1st century Christians to set aside a portion of their income to invest in God’s work (1 Cor 16). He called us to sacrificial and cheerful giving (2 Corinthians 9). We give our riches because Christ who was rich became poor to make us rich (2 Corinthians 8). So too, Jesus said where your treasure is, your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21). Those who invest your treasures into Christ’s church will have a heart for Christ’s church. Thank you for your sacrificial giving; all glory be to Christ.
   – Thank you childcare workers, teachers, children’s and youth ministry leaders. The kids and youth in this church are precious souls. Thank you for your time, tenderness, and touch. Thank you for teaching them the Bible and holding out Jesus Christ. Your sacrifices are not in vain. Thank you Mark Eades who gives leadership to Wednesday nights, Colleen Gardner, Megan Steele, and Pam Bishop over children’s church and nursery, and to Alex Steele and Rebecca Cooley who provide leadership over Sunday School.
   – Thank you Cornerstone Elders and Deacons. Your leadership, your care, and hours of service provide the backbone for this church family. We sometimes forget all you do to lead; know that your Heavenly Father sees everything you do in secret and will reward you. But today, we see you and say, “Wow, thank you so much.”

“Invite People to Great Things”
    – A family invites a single person to Easter lunch. A 10-year-old invites a cousin to church. A Christian hosts a Bible study and invites non-Christians to attend. These are just a few of the different invites I’ve heard went out this past week (which is awesome!). I noticed recently that our “Invite Tree” has really taken off with new acorns. I think we’re getting close to a tipping point. A tipping point is a threshold an organization has to hit where a new practice becomes an established habit. 
    – My prayer is that our church embraces an “invite” culture. Inviting is not to be just a task, but an identity. It’s not a duty, but a natural outflow of our life with Jesus. Lord willing, this tipping point comes into personal lives–that each of us becomes a Christian who gladly invites others to our tables and to our Christ. So too, our families should hit a tipping point–where we naturally invite others to serve with us in our community and church. And finally, that we become a collective church that invites people to worship, to Bible studies, and to investigate Christianity. Keep inviting and let us celebrate the progress as we fill up the “Invite Tree.” One acorn for every invite. 1,000 invitations as a church. ~10 invites per person per year. 1 invitation a month. Who will you invite this week? And to what will you invite?

Here are some things happening that you can invite people:

Next Steps Class, Sunday April 14: @11AM we invite any/all newer faces to Cornerstone to come to a class to hear about our ministries and ways to plug into our church family. Who could you invite to our church this week?

Church Work Day, Saturday April 20 (time TBD): We have some important spring cleaning to do and some lingering projects to tackle. More details to come. Who can you invite to serve with you?

Church family meal and meeting, Sunday May 5: Immediately after the service we will have a family potluck, followed by a congregational meeting. Who can you invite to your table?

Final thoughts: who could you invite to join your small group? Who do you know that hasn’t found a place to serve in the church that can join you in your area of service? Who could you invite out for supper this week or over for lunch this weekend?

Keep inviting. We plant seeds. We water them. But God brings the growth.

I love this church.

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