Pastor Post
Wow…what a summer. Assasination attempts. Political turmoil. International Unrest. Illness. Sorrows. Pain. Baptisms. Salvations. Hope. This Sunday we finish up a sermon series in the Book of Job. The stranded and destroyed man experiences a staggering reversal. The LORD is kind to his servants. Job lived and died, a man with full and rich years. Oh, to walk with such faith and to finish so well.
Speaking of finishing…this is the final Sunday to put acorns in our tree. All year we have celebrated Great Invitations. You’ve invited folks to your Table. You’ve invited people into Biblical Community, to serve beside you, to worship with you at Church, and to bow and believe in the Christ. Please, please take this final Sunday to drop in any final acorn invitations. And please, if God has changed you personally or used an invitation in a surprising way, please tell me about it or reply to Jeff Olson email. We want to hear from you.
Finally, please take an opportunity to invite a friend to our kickoff Sunday, next week August 25. Invite them to our 9:25AM worship service. Encourage them to jump into our fall programming. Bring them along to the 11:30M lunch at Thomas Park. This is a special annual gathering; please get it on your family calendar.