Furnaces, Finances, Books, "Oh My!"

January 2, 2025

Church family,
First off, a big thank you to those who made contributions toward the new furnace. Glory to God, the funds have been raised, and we probably have excess building funds that may go toward a facade project later in 2025. The new furnace is ordered. As soon as all the parts are in town, the new model will be installed (hopefully next week, but don’t worry we’ll keep it warm enough for Sunday). In addition, your giving is far ahead of expenses for 2024. We’ve supported Risen Hope Church in Anamosa. We’ve invested in missionaries around the globe. You’ve honored your financial support to the Cornerstone staff and local ministry partners. And praise God, we have financial capital for 2025 to keep serving God’s kingdom. The LORD provides; hallelujah.
Other church matters:
#1: Please remember our 6:30PM Church Meeting on Monday night January 13th. I’m attaching a document that will explain how you can come prepared for the discussion that evening. We’re doing a S.W.O.T. analysis…read the document for more info.
#2: Also, please take a look at some free books on display this Sunday in the foyer. Carrie and Charity are remodeling my study so it was time to pass along books I won’t reread. There are theology books, marriage studies, and all sorts of rich resources on contemporary matters. They have served me in past years, and now I want others to benefit from them.
#3: This Sunday we’re back to a normal Sunday of 9:25AM worship, followed by an 11AM Sunday School hour. I’ll recommence in the Gospel of John, chapter 8 if you’d like to read ahead. Who could you invite to church in this new year? It was a great year to meet new faces and families in 2024!! Let’s trust God to bring many more into our church family in 2025.
Lastly, Who is Your One? Who do you keep praying will come to a knowledge of the truth? With whom do you hope to share the good news of Jesus in 2025? Whose heart do you pray becomes open to God and His Word? Keep praying, and don’t forget to put their initials on a leaf at the tree painting in the foyer. We want to be praying together.
Yours to you in Christ,
Pastor Matt

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