March 3, 2024: Romans 12:9-21 “Overcoming Hatred and Vengeance”
March 3, 2024: Romans 12:9-21 Overcoming Hatred and Vengeance Big Idea: Vengeance is not the way of God’s people. Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series:
February 25, 2024: Romans 12:1-8 “Consecrated to God and Humble Church Service”
February 25, 2024: Romans 12:1-8 Consecrated to God and Humble Church Service Big Idea: If Christians are holy and live out their faith, they will create a great disturbance. Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series:
February 18, 2024: Romans 11:33-36 “The Gravity of God’s Glory”
February 18, 2024: Romans 11:33-36 The Gravity of God’s Glory Big Idea: The highest sense of all is to sense God’s presence. Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series:
February 11, 2024: Romans 11:25-32 “Hard Hearts and Maximal Mercy”
February 11, 2024: Romans 11:25-32 Hard Hearts and Maximal Mercy Big Idea: In God’s story of redemption, a hard heart is never the last word. No heart is too hard for God. Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series:
February 4, 2024: Romans 11:11-24 “The Glorious Gardner”
February 4, 2024: Romans 11:11-24 The Gracious Gardner Big Idea: The fruit comes completely from the Gardner. Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series:
January 28, 2024: Romans 11:1-10 “A Remnant Chosen by Grace”
January 28, 2024: Romans 11:1-10 A Remnant Chosen by Grace Big Idea: Amid the deserved hardening of many, God saves a chosen remnant by His grace. Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series:
January 21, 2024: Romans 9:30-10:13 “A Diagnosis of Unbelief”
January 21, 2024: Romans 9:30-10:13 A Diagnosis of Unbelief Big Idea: Unbelief is active recalcitrance. You cannot run this race on your own. You need Jesus. Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series:
January 14, 2024: Romans 9:6-29 “Sovereign Mercy Stands”
January 14, 2024: Romans 9:6-29 Sovereign Mercy Stands Big Idea: Out of God’s sovereign mercy, He chose to save people – regardless of their past (or their family’s past)… Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series: Month 00, 2000 [Sermon Title] Big Idea: [Big Idea Text] Want to hear more? […]
January 7, 2024: Romans 9:1-6 “Fueled for God’s Mission”
January 7, 2024: Romans 9:1-6 Fueled for God’s Mission Big Idea: Do I have an all-consuming passion for the glory of Jesus Christ? Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series:
August 20, 2023: Romans 8:28-39 “Hope Anchored in God”
August 20, 2023 Romans 8:28-39 “Hope Anchored in God” Big Idea: The hope that Neitzsche describes is NOT the hope of the Bible. Hope is trust in the God who exists – the God who is there. Want to hear more? You may like listening to these sermon series: