Sermon Series

Matthew: What is the Good Life?

deco style image of a plain blue background that says matthew what is the good life an exploration of Jesus' beatitudes in Matthew 5
Current Sermon Series

November 13, 2022: Matthew 5:11-12 “Rejoice When You Suffer On Acconut of Christ

Big Idea: God reserves Heaven’s deepest joys for those who suffer for Jesus’ name.
deco style image of a plain blue background that says matthew what is the good life an exploration of Jesus' beatitudes in Matthew 5
Current Sermon Series

November 6, 2022: Matthew 5:10 “Persecuted for Righteousness Sake”

Big Idea: We are called to pray so we can be prepared to suffer.
deco style image of a plain blue background that says matthew what is the good life an exploration of Jesus' beatitudes in Matthew 5
Current Sermon Series

October 30, 2022: Matthew 5:9 “Costly Peacemaking”

Big Idea: God claims as His very own those who engage in the costly (but blessed) work of peacemaking.
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